Sheldon Roth(I)
Dr. Sheldon Roth is a graduate of New York University School of
Medicine, New York, New York, 1965. He was Resident and Chief Resident
in Psychiatry at Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston,
Massachusetts 1966-1969. Following the latter he was Clinical Associate
at The National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland 1969-71.
Currently, he is an Assistant Clnical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts and on the Faculty,
Harvard-Longwood Training Program in Psychiatry, Boston, Massachusetts
and a Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, at The Psychoanalytic
Institute of New England, East, Massachusetts. Dr. Roth is in the
private practice of psychiatry and psychoanalysis in Newton,
Massachusetts. He is the author of "Psychotherapy: The Art of Wooing
Nature," 1987, Jason Aronson Inc. Northvale, New Jersey.