J. Swain
- Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
- Editor
- Producer
Jason Swain's pursuit of a film career took root in 1994, when he left
the mail room at the NBC headquarters in New York and headed to
Atlanta, Georgia. Swain first learned how to Direct and edit while
attending Clark Atlanta University (CAU). He received a Kodak Film
Stock Grant after being named overall winner in the Atlanta Film
festival at Clark for his first film "Down 4 Whatever". After almost 20
years, in addition to Directing his 4th Feature film, Swain is
Executive Director at his own Non-profit organization's "Makin' Room At
The Top" (MRATT) Youth Film Program. The Youth from MRATT co-produced
and co-Directed the Feature film "Save Me From Love" with Swain. Swain
often adds "MRATT" to most of his credits when anyone from the program