While working on Game of Thrones, he and co-creator David Benioff worked all through the year, non stop. They would write an outline for each season and then started writing the actual scripts while managing production at the same time. The scripts had to be all done by the time they started filming the season, and as the large production it is they were filming for months with several units in several countries at the same time, while they did re-writings of parts of the scripts and made perfections. They also made sure there's always a man from the writing crew at one of the filming units, to supervise. Almost immediately after finishing filming, they started writing the outline for the next season. At the same time, the previous season was in post production phases like editing and sound mixing, and they had to oversee all these procedures while writing, and later deal with marketing of the upcoming season as well. David and Dan would occasionally say in interviews that all they want to do once they finish with the show is to "get some sleep".