J.C. Hoffman
- Actress
J.C. grew up as an Army brat, moving six times before her 18th birthday, which required her to play many roles and adapt to ever changing situations. Good training for any actor. J.C. spent her younger life zipping around sports fields and courts chasing balls and getting her big brother in trouble. A star athlete in high school, J.C. played basketball on a national collegiate championship 2nd place team before injuries forced her to the sideline to focus on her doctorate in Physical Therapy from Washington University in St. Louis. Settling in the Washington, D.C. area after graduate school, J.C. is a practicing certified clinical orthopedic physical therapist while actively honing her craft as an actor.
When not busy fixing patients and rehearsing, Dr. Hoffman enjoys spending time with her husband and 8 year old son boating, fishing and swimming in the Chesapeake Bay, and long naps with warm dogs.