I grew up in Kansas. I lived on a farm and we had all kinds of livestock as far as horses, pigs, cattle, sheep, you name it. We were wheat farmers. Went to a really small school, it had a total of 750 people in it. The only thing to do was drink beer and go to the river; that was about it. I grew up there and went to college and got my nursing degree back in '95. I was an ER nurse and also showed horses. My first husband and I showed horses. I got hooked up with him and moved to Colorado and I've been here ever since. We were together almost 24 years, married 19 of those years. Then that went to hell in a hand basked. It's always a fun story. We had a business together and I came home early because I was pretty sure he was having an affair with a woman. I walked in and he was fucking a man in the shower. I have nothing against that, it was just a shock. The answer was, 'It's not what you think!' I'm not stupid, I'm pretty sure it's what I think. That was very life-changing, let's put it that way.