"Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre" is a new animated manga horror TV series, from Junji Ito, directed by Shinobu Tagashira, stars Romi Park, Tomoko Kaneda, and Yûki Kaji, showcasing "...a spine-tingling selection of some of his most bizarre, disturbing and terrifying tales...", premiering January 19, 2023 on Netflix:
"...'Studio Deen' animated the series, with Madkid performing the opening theme song "Paranoid."
"The anime will include 20 stories from Ito's body of work, animated for the first time, including stories from "Tomie", "Sōichi" and "The Hanging Balloons" manga comics volumes.
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"...'Studio Deen' animated the series, with Madkid performing the opening theme song "Paranoid."
"The anime will include 20 stories from Ito's body of work, animated for the first time, including stories from "Tomie", "Sōichi" and "The Hanging Balloons" manga comics volumes.
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- 12/14/2022
- by Unknown
- SneakPeek
I’ve got an incredibly funny video from a Japanese variety show for you to watch. It features voice actress Tomoko Kaneda. She is supposed to be out visiting haunted houses in the video. What she doesn't know is that she's about to get pranked by a ghost woman who appears in the front seat of the taxi. The driver pretends that he can’t see her, and the girl who is playing the ghost is trying so hard not to laugh. It’s such a simple prank, but the reaction is freakin’ hilarious. It’s crazy how freaked out Kaneda is! She seriously believes that there is a ghost in the car and that she’s having a conversation with it. I want to be ghost pranked! This is the funniest thing I've seen all week!
- 11/21/2015
- by Joey Paur
- GeekTyrant
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