Shannon Watts(I)
- Additional Crew
- Producer
- Camera and Electrical Department
Shannon Watts has 18 years experience in live to air Australia radio as
well as hosting, Producing and presenting segments on a number of television
lifestyle, sports and entertainment shows both in Australia and the United States.
Shannon is currently the CEO and Executive Producer of [US] Based Raishbrook Watts Media Group Inc. dba - RMG News & Entertainment, A Television production company based in Los Angeles, CA. Shannon has held this role for 10 years.
Shannon Watts and Howard Raishbrook Created a show called 'Shot in the Dark' in 2017 and are both Executive Producers - 'Shot in the Dark' can be seen on Netflix World-Wide.
Shannon's experience, charisma and energy to sell, promote and add value to a variety of
entertainment media will attract a loyal audience. His success over the
years has made him one of the most sought after on-air talents in
Australia. Shannon became a house hold name in Australia when it was
announced that he would join Network Ten and the King of Australian
Television, Bert Newton on the countries number one morning show, Good
Morning Australia AKA "GMA"..