Michael Ricer
- Composer
Michael Ricer, or 'Big Mic' as he's affectionately known, has dedicated the last three decades of his life to aiding young people in achieving their goals and chasing their dreams. His illustrious career spans an associate degree in Graphic Arts, through a bachelor's degree in Communications and Business Psychology, on to a master's degree Traditional Advertising. As if that wasn't enough - Big Mic can also lay claim to awards such as 2019-2023 Producer of the Year and the Best Collaboration Group of 2019 Award! Not to mention his work producing famed songs like Suga Boom Boom and producing artists including LadyDice, That Rapper CB , Vito-OT , DomP, Deezel Washington, Madisun Proof, Lyricallashea , Tylrenzo & more! With decades worth of experience empowering youths from all walks of life - It's no wonder he's earned himself an incredible reputation amongst both peers & fans alike. This innovative pioneer creates new ideas with ease; he's an animation/video editor who is proficient in Photoshop and Layout design plus a certified Google AdWords Agent! Furthermore, his skill set comprises music marketing campaigns (social media creation & marketing included), Mixing Mastering, Audio Production, Sound Design, Song Writing, Hosting Events, DJ, Vocal Training, Event Speaking, Branding, Marketing, Graphics Designs, Postproduction, Beat Production, Event Promotion, Artist Development, Team Building, D.A.W Training, Music Theory, Trombone, piano, Drums, keyboard player, Rap artist, Sound Engineer, Recording Studio Building. CEO, Brand Ambassador. - there is truly no end to what our very own Big Mic can do!