- First saw his now wife performing in a production of "Any Thing Goes." He turned to the friend he was with and said, "one day, I'm going to marry that girl."
- Has 5 children: Gavin (b. December 3, 2003) Avia (b. May 4, 2005) Emmi (b. August 19, 2007) Brock Vincent (b. June 10, 2010) and Daxton (b. October 25, 2013).
- Has two brothers, Casey and Logan, and a sister, Carlie.
- He has several YouTube accounts, all of which are his job. His main channels are "ShayCarl" and "ShayTards" (family daily vlogs). His sub-channels are "Shayloss" (weightloss channel), "iPhonetard" (his cell phone videos). He is one of the founders of "TheStation" (a collaborative YouTube channel with other YouTubers).
- He has five children who are featured in his vlogs. They go by Sontard, Princesstard, Babytard, Rocktard and Brotard. He gave them nicknames because when he first started the vlogs, he felt uncomfortable seeing his kids' real names attached to negative comments.
- He has one pet dog named Ezekiel (Zeke or ZekeTard). Zeke is a fawn-colored Great Dane.
- Worked various jobs including owning his own granite company and a radio DJ before finding youtube and being discovered by Phillip DeFranco. Youtube is now his full time job.
- He has lost 100 pounds and run three marathons (each 26.2 miles) and one half marathon (13.1 miles).
- Los Angeles, CA, USA: Living and vlogging. (February 2013)
- Purchased Pebble Ski Resort Area in Idaho.
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