Martin Billany(I)
- Actor
- Writer
- Director
Martin Billany was born on 3 February 1983 in Knutsford, Cheshire, England, UK. He is an actor and writer, known for Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series (2006), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's One-Shot Parody Special (2011) and Naruto: The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show (2009). He has been married to Marin M. Miller since 29 October 2011. He was previously married to Abigail Billany.
TV Series
- Joey
- Tristan
- Yami
- Téa
- Yugi
- Kaiba
- Mokuba
- Duke
- Serenity
- Marik
- Bakura
- Mai
- Florence
- Pegasus
- Grandpa
- Melvin
- Seto Kaiba
- Bandit Keith
- Odion
- Ishizu
- Joey Wheeler
- Weevil
- Kemo
- Rafael
- Rex Raptor
- Tristan Taylor
- Yami Yugi
- Yugi Moto
- Granpa
- Hans
- Tea Gardner
- Duke Devlin
- Weevil Underwood
- Grüber
- Alister
- Announcer
- Arthur Hawkins
- Croquet
- Mako Tsunami
- Mokuba Kaiba
- Rex
- Valon
- Espa Roba
- Mai Valentine
- Shadi
- Yami Bakura
- Zorc
- Cody Martin
- Henchman #1
- Ishizu Ishtar
- Naruto
- Robo-Monkey Tristan
- Solomon Muto
- The Ghost of Seto Kaiba
- Zack Martin
- Crump
- Dark Magician
- Dox
- Dr. Feelgood
- Evil Tristan
- Gansley
- Gruber
- Guard
- Hank
- Henchman Larry
- Johnson
- Kuriboh
- Lector
- Maximillion Pegasus
- Nesbitt
- Panik
- Para
- Reporter
- Serenity Wheeler
- Sid
- Steve
- Tea
- Zombie Boy
- Zygor
- 'Steve' Lumis
- 'Steve' Umbra
- 'Who's that Mokémon' guy
- Abe
- Ancient Egyptian Mokuba
- Annoying Sensei Guy
- Arthur
- Baby Pharaoh
- Baby Roba
- Baby Yami
- Bacula
- Barack Lesnar
- Board Member #1
- Board Member #2
- Boy #1
- Boy #2
- Boy #3
- Boy #4
- Brain Guy
- Brainwashed Celtic Guardian
- Bully
- Bully's victim
- Bystanders
- Card Game Channel Announcer
- Cheerleader #3
- Clown
- Crowd Member #1
- DBZA Narrator
- Demon
- Demon Door
- Director of Cornflakes Commercial
- Doctor
- Domini Museum Security 1#
- Domino Museum Security 2#
- Domino Museum Worker
- Dr. Detroit
- Duel AI
- Duel Insurance Announcer
- Dueling Robot
- Duke Devlin Fangirls
- Egyptian Guard
- Egyptian people
- Ekop Enam
- Espa Roba's brothers
- Evil Kaiba Corps Members
- Fireman
- Florence Bakura
- Gektic Guardian
- Ghost Arkana
- Ghost Bandit Keith
- Ghost Melvin
- Ghost Nappa
- Ghost Ubra
- Ghost Weevil
- Ghost Yugi
- Guy #1
- Guy #2
- Gym Coach
- Henchman #3
- Henchman Greg
- Ironheart
- Jack Atlas
- Jean Claude Magnum
- Jigsaw
- Joey's Mother
- Johnny Steps
- Kaiba Corp Receptionist
- Kaiba Corps Computer
- Kaiba Corps Guy 1#
- Kaiba Corps Guy 2#
- Kaiba Hologram
- KaibaCorp. Employee #1
- KaibaCorp. Employee #2
- Kaibi
- Kiaba
- Kids
- Kuribohs
- Mako
- Marik Ishtar
- Mechashiba
- Melvin Ishtar
- Minister
- Mokuba Hologram
- Mullet Guy
- Obelisk the Tormentor
- Odion Ishtar
- Orphanage Worker
- Pegaus
- Person who finds Kaiba boring
- Phantom
- Pharaoh Fighter Announcer
- Pink Shirt Kid
- Pinky Guy
- Priest Seto
- Princess Adina
- Random person disguised as a bee
- Roland
- Ryo Bakura
- Scapegoat
- Sexually Frustrated Celtic Guardian
- Shimon
- Siegfried Von Schroeder
- Singapore Yami
- Singapore Yugi
- Soldier
- Solomon Moto
- Steve Arcana
- Steve The Martian
- TV Reporter
- Teacher
- Teddy
- The Frustrated Celtic Guardian
- The Gay Clown
- The Hokage
- The Kaiba Corp. Computer
- The Pharaoh
- Thomas Narrator
- Train Conductor
- Train Station Announcer #1
- Train Station Announcer #2
- Truck Driver
- Zorc & Pals Commercial Announcer
TV Series
- Naruto
- Sasuke
- Sakura
- Bowie Sensei
- Annoying Sensei Guy
- The Hokage
- Yami
- Girl #1
- Hinata
- Narrator
- Random Voice
- Saukra
- Shopkeeper
- Squirtle
- Tazuna
- The Annoying Sensei Guy
- The Dangerous Box
- Turkeylegs
- Villager #1
- Villager #2
- Yugi(voice)