- He loves Patton (1970).
- His favorite movie of all time is Camelot (1967).
- As a child; he was bullied because of his weird last name.
- His favorite "Star Trek" show is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993).
- Was inspired to become an Internet reviewer by the Nostalgia Critic and the Angry Video Game Nerd.
- Avid comic book fan. Hosts two shows in which he reviews (or, more appropriately, roasts) comic books: Atop the Fourth Wall (2008) ("Where bad comics burn"); and "Longbox of the Damned", which is primarily horror-themed. He portrays a separate host for each show: "Linkara" for AT4W; and "Count Von Moarte" (who speaks with a Transylvanian accent) for LOTD.
- Big fan of Power Rangers and Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987).
- His last name is pronounced "love-hog".
- Lewis' surname, Lovhaug, is Norwegian for "leaf hill".
- Names Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988) and Doctor Who (1963) as his inspirations.
- Despite all the bad comics he's reviewed, Lewis has named Frank Miller's "Holy Terror", to be the worst comic he's ever read, even though "Spider-Man: One More Day" is high on his list and is a commonly used running gag on his show.
- Named his character Linkara after Link from The Legend Of Zelda games. He admits that he never played them.
- An avid Star Trek fan, his favourite episodes are:
- Spectre of the Gun (1968)
- Where Silence Has Lease (1988)
- United (2005)
- Mirror, Mirror (1967)
- In a Mirror, Darkly (2005)
- The Doomsday Machine (1967)
- The Forgotten (2004)
- Q Who (1989)
- Yesterday's Enterprise (1990)
- Duet (1993)
- Scorpion (1997)/Scorpion, Part II (1997)
- In the Pale Moonlight (1998)
- Waltz (1998)
- The Defector (1990)
- The Best of Both Worlds (1990)/The Best of Both Worlds Part II (1990).
- Was good friends with Justin Carmical.
- Has regarded Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) as his favorite Star Trek movie.
- He named "JLA/Titans: The Technis Imperative" as his favourite comic and the one that got him interested in the medium.
- Along with being a comic book reviewer, he also has his own comic book series: "Revolution of the Mask".
- He considers Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) to be a perfect movie.
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