Silas Briton
- Actor
Silas Matthew Briton was born in Seattle, Washington in the early 90's.
As a child Silas always found himself entertaining as the class clown
or the rambunctious provocateur. At the age of 8, during his first
appearance onstage Silas fell immediately and unwaveringly in love with
acting. With the support of his loving parents Silas began to excel in
community children's theater. There his contagious energy and
developing talent where first taken note. Silas went on to continue his
theater work, professional and non, throughout high school and into
college. But Silas's growing love of film had taken a hold of his
aspirations. After graduating from the New York Film Academy for Acting
for Film, Silas moved to Hollywood, California where he began his
intimate work making his way inside the industry. Silas continues to
capture the imagination of his co-workers, cementing himself into a
position as a worth while actor and artistic collaborator.