Maria Wiasmitinowa
- Actress
Maria Wiasmitinowa was born in 1978 in Germany to German-Italian
parents. Her mother passed away when she was just two years old. She
then grew up in a foster home in Basle, Switzerland, until she turned
seventeen. During this period, Maria began performing in the presence
of her friends and guardians. Her wish was that other people would not
have to suffer as she had, and this motivated her to create laughter
through comedy. When she left the foster home, she already knew she
would become an actress. She went on to take a job at the famous
Fondation Beyeler to earn money. After putting some of her earnings
aside, she attended an actor's workshop at the New York Film Academy.
She then returned to Switzerland with empty pockets and began saving
money again to pursue further training in acting. Maria Wiasmitinowa
was mentored by Marco Hausammann-Gilardi who received his performing
arts education under the mentorship of Ernie Martin at Strasberg's Real
Stage. Today, the roles Maria takes on reflect the depth of her