Tristan Miller(I)
- Actor
- Director
- Writer
Tristan Miller is an actor, comedian, podcaster, mental health advocate, and writer. As an actor, he has recently starred in Dominoes, Dir. H. Hammouda and The Ghost and The Writer, Dir. Christina Tucker. As a writer, he has been featured in The Good Men Project and Stigma Fighters. As well as having written a pilot, 10.5 Months, and several sketches. Tristan hosts, edits, and produces two podcasts: Positive and Negative and The Amateur Detective Club. As a comedian, he is currently touring on a one-man comedy show called, Manic Impressive. Comedian Gary Gulman calls him, "Ahead of most comedians his age," Myq Kaplan says "A supremely kind, creative and highly motivated man," and his older sister calls him "An idiot man-child with no sense of survival skills. Why did you bring him on this camping trip, mom?"