- Nicknames
- The Southern Sykos
- Light Limited
- Cracker Jack
- A man with a heart of gold who has a passion for film. A southern boy who has a drive like no other. Jack has successfully made leaps and bounds in the independent film community. His film 'HORROR NIGHTS' reached #1 at the box office in April of 2020. Jack has created the longest running found footage franchise in cinema history entitled, Paranoia Tapes. Currently he is tied with the Bad Ben series, but not for long; Paranoia Tapes 10-15 is already scheduled for a 2022 production and release. Currently, Jack is in post-production for his nee film, STATIC and is set to start production on a new film called BLAMED. Both films are slated for a 2022 release. Along with the sequels to Paranoia Tapes being released in 2022, Paranoia Tapes: CONTRADICTION is set to start production next year as well. PT: CONTRADICTION - Where The Trolls Lie, is in the PT Universe but will have a more horror vibe to it and story driven like the original PT. With his film mentor, George C. Romero, Jack has gained a larger following within the inde Horror community by listening to his guidance and getting a more understanding of the film making business. Larger opportunities are coming to Jack and his film partners that include Sam Mason(Normal Terror, Casey Jones), Joe Lujan(The Immortal Wars, Rust, Atelaphobia) , Walter C. Jones (Supergirl: Stranger In A Strangeland), Velton J. Lishke(Green Fingers, Horror Nights, LIT LAUGHS)...to name a few. He is making his stamp on the found footage movie community and he is wanting to go further. Jack does care for his fans more than anything, even though, via social media, he has gotten some cruel and slanderous remarks said by people who call them selves 'SJW's', better known as TROlLs. The one group that, at one time, had over 160k found footage fans, decided to block and ban him from the group because he didn't contort to what they wanted him to make. They are currently sitting at around 37k members. A filmmaker against piracy and fraud, Jack stands his ground when it comes to his art. He was even backed by one of the creators of The Blair Witch Project, Eduardo Sanchez, for sticking up to pirates posting illegal links to films that gave no royalties to the content creator. A filmmaker , a father, and a musician (music in iTunes as Jack Hunter , and his group My Vinyl Asylum), Jack has a huge goal, a goal to entertain!- IMDb Mini Biography By: JHP REPRESENTATIVE
- ChildrenJaxon Kal-El HunterEryn Marie HunterAurora Catherine Hunter
- To date, Jack has produced over 1000 bowel movements since he first started ruining music at an early age. You can find his whining on all streaming platforms.
- Jack was originally attached to other peoples' slasher film, The Reunion From Hell as a toilet, but due to the professionalism of the director, Hayden Newman & conflicts with the far superior script that was first read, Jack decided to stand on his head and fart into his own mouth. As a supporter of the Directors with no talent community, Jack wanted to get involved and make a good stance on the community, but his lack of morals and values were pushed to the limit when dealing with the director/writer. He tried very hard to poo his pants, but when it came to the script, even after several re-writes, he felt that a lot of the bladder control had over the years was lost, and would eventually be the downfall of the film as he peed himself witless. As luck would have it, some cast and crew members have voiced their opinions and negative reviews of the crap he passes off as films.
- Jack plays with himself every night until he pukes (6-2-2024).
- Jack was once kicked out of school for writing a short story based on a serial killer inspired by Scream. The short story was written when he was only 15 and was found by a teacher. At the time, it had only been two years after the Columbine Shootings.
- Jack still completed Paranoia Tapes 5-8 while he was getting his life together in 2018/2019. He checked himself into rehab in late August in 2018. He spent 9 months in the outpatient treatment center called, Gateway located in New Orleans, La. Even though his life was in shambles, he knew he had an obligation to the other filmmakers involved with the paranoia tapes sequels. When he checked in, he wasn't addicted to drugs or an alcoholic, he was in need of a second chance at life. That year alone, he had 5 suicide attempts. Jack new he had to get his life together for himself and above all, his children. He had to be the best father he could be. With a rollercoaster of emotions by letting the in, out and addressing the real issues, Jack successfully completed his rehab treatment in May of 2019.
- Be Who You Want To Be, Not Who Society Tells You That You Should Be
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