- [on his first encounter with acting] I attended an acting workshop in Izmit. My current manager, Gökçe Doruk Erten, was also looking for actors from nearby cities on behalf of a motion picture for which he was the cast director, and we met on that occasion. That movie didn't happen, but that's how my journey started.
- [on what marriage means to him] Marriage is considered a sacred institution, but for me it is something that seems distant at the moment. There's still a lot of work to do. Both for myself and for the world. I love kids so much. However, making this world a better place should be the priority goal for everyone...
- [on what is it that impresses him the most about the opposite sex] I would like to give a cliché answer to this cliché question and say "intelligence". But as you can appreciate, when I first look, I cannot see the person's intelligence. You know, if you say "the sparkle of intelligence in your eyes"; Yes, that detail can help me look at the whole person with a more receptive eye.
- [on how did being famous change his life, positively or negatively] Of course, there are positive aspects such as the freedom to portray many other personalities in the same life and the ability to appeal to large audiences, but if you ask the negative, you cannot take a long beach walk full of thoughts in your head. Or you cannot spend as much time as you wish with your loved ones.
- [on if it is more satisfying for him to act in a long-running TV series or to take part in a movie] I accept work that pleases me. Therefore, it does not matter if it is a theatre, cinema, short film, TV series or documentary.
- [on things that are good for him] Spending time with animals and going on nature walks.
- [on what he wants for the future] Use my career to get the best version of the world.
- [on fame]I have chosen to have a simple life, with old friends and with nature as a pillar.
- [on what the pandemic was like for him and what it taught him] First of all, it taught me patience and the importance of the connection between all countries in terms of health. I also became aware of the value of my relatives again.
- [on when and how he decided to become an actor] Since I love cinema and watch it a lot, I became interested in acting. I attended an acting workshop in Izmit, the city where I lived at that time. Soon, casting director Gökçe Doruk Erten from Istanbul (my manager, with whom I still work today) invited me to a test shoot for a movie and my acting journey began.
- [on how does having a lot of fans affects his relationships, outlook on life, and approach to work] On the one hand, it is a great source of pride, on the other hand, as I just mentioned, there is a lack of privacy. Also, the desire to spend time in a social environment with my relatives who are not visible to me.
- After staying at home like all of us for a long time due to quarantine and pandemic stress, I ran to the set (Laughs). I seriously missed working... Of course, there was a little anxiety at first! Quarantine and illness psychology affected everyone in some way, but after taking individual precautions, one gets used to the rest over time.
- I don't believe that death is an 'unfinished' thing. I believe that the body ends as a form, but the soul continues its journey. In fact, as you say, nothing is ever left unfinished. If life and every adventure we experience serves something, we also serve this cycle as a part of our own completion. In life, it is not about being left unfinished, I believe that whatever it is, its time is over.
- 2020 was a year with intense losses and gains. I have been in a very busy work schedule since the day I started my career journey, and I had the opportunity to be alone with myself during this process. I can say that I learned how to spend valuable time at home, how to get bored, be grateful and many other things that come with it. I also learned to deal with concepts such as knowing value and fear of losing.
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