Luis García(XXXIV)
- Actor
Entire life's reader and film lover, he studied Literature and Cinematography. He begun his actor career in 2011 on theater plays like "Cada Cosa En Su Lugar", "Prohibido Suicidarse En Primavera", "Esperando A Godot", "Por Poco Se Nos Cae El Tenorio" and "Romeo & Juliet". He was also the voice for "Don Bola", a toon dog. He stared TV Series Pilot "Mentes Siniestras". He appeared in short films "Zona de Apariencia", "Retrato En Sepia" and "La Última Historia de Amor", he won recognized 'Best Actor in a short film' in this last one. He co-stars "Una Gringa Para Cenar", which is his first long shot movie. He's also a poet and novel writer and he has published several works, among others he published "O de Orgasmo, Poemario y Otros Relatos No Sexuales", a compilation of poetry and shorts. Actually, he's working on his next novel.