(September 19 to 20, 2014) She acted in Cameron Benoit's play, "The Lightning Girl, (Richard Prioleau was director; Ariel Silbert was Dramaturge); Madalena Provo's play, "With Love, Betty," (Rachel Dart was director; Ariel Silbert was Dramaturge); Joe Lino's play, "Temper, Temper, (Sophie Blumberg was director; Robyn Carroll was Dramaturge); her play, "Sin Embargo Seria Delicioso (Yet How Delicious It Would Be), (John Rooney was director; Ariel Silbert was Dramaturge) Aaron Lynn's play, "And I Reached For The Sky Because I Couldn't Swim," (Rachel Dart was director; Robyn Carroll was Dramaturge) and Casey Wortmann's play, "In Which I Sing Songs About Molasses and Try To Get A Guy To Life Me for Me," (Joe Curnutte was director; Robyn Carroll was Dramaturge) in the Apprentice/Intern Company Season: Solo Mio Round 1 production at the Victor Jory Theatre, Actors Theatre of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky with Cameron Benoit, Joe Lino, Aaron Lynn, Madalena Provo and Casey Wortmann in the cast. MIchael Legg was producer. Sean Ravitz was stage manager. Maggie McGrann, Caroline Ruark and Hannah Wehlage were marketing and media relations. Megan Arbough was production manager. Sam Barickman was assistant producer. Megan Arbough was production manager. Rachel Spear was sound designer. Jessica Collins was sound operator. Vicki Bain was lightning designer. Andy Perez was graphic designer. Maggie McGrann was costume coordinator.