Clara Bastos(II)
- Producer
- Production Manager
Clara Bastos is a producer and lawyer, graduated in Law from the Fortaleza University (UNIFOR) and studied Cinema and Audiovisual at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Postgraduate student in Cultural Project Management at the Center for Latin American Studies on Culture and Communication - CELACC at the University of São Paulo (USP). Responsible for Praia à Noite Produções and, has been producer since 2012, having produced seminars, shows, exhibitions and films. In the audiovisual, he produced award-winning projects, such as; António One Two Three (2017 - Brazil/Portugal); My own private hell (2018-CE); Lana & Carol (2018 - CE), Pacarrete (2019-CE), Fortaleza Hotel (2021-CE), Life Lasts Two Days (2022 - Brazil/Portugal) among others. She was responsible for managing the business round tables of the International Film Festival - Farol (2015 - CE) in partnership with SENAC; Mostra Cinema em Transe (2016); Eddie Saeta Exhibition (2016) and Hong Sang Soo Exhibition - The Repetition of Life (2019), at the Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture, in addition to artistic exhibitions and installations such as Lunar Crater (2019/House of Digital Culture), Heritage ( 2019/Centro Cultural Belchior) and I Think I Can Still Find Nameless Places (2021/Museu da Cultura Cearense-MCC Dragão do Mar). She works as Coordinator and Executive Producer in projects in the field of Artist Residencies, Training, Visual Arts and Sound Art, being one of those responsible for the Multilingual Latin American Artist Residency program Sala Vazia and the Rural School of Audiovisual Cinema in Brejo, held in CE - Brazil, in addition to acting as a teacher, consultant and supervisor of the Production, Executive Production and Audiovisual Internship modules in training spaces such as Centro Cultural Grande Bom Jardim and UNIFOR.