Haydn Wolfie Koeller
- Editor
- Producer
- Sound Department
Born in Middletown, Ohio to his father (Aaron) and his mother (Rachael), Haydn Wolfie Koeller had the most splendid of lives. He went on many trips to Florida and other places around the country, and go the chance to explore the world unlike a lot of people get to do. As a young kid, he was always fascinated by movies. He often says that his love for classics like Indianan Jones and Jurassic Park, are what brought him on his path to become a filmmaker. His film making journey didn't really start till the 8th grade.
In the 8th grade he met someone who would become one of his closest friends for years, Brad Riechman. They met in the halls between classes, but it wasn't till they started track together that their film adventures took off. On the bus rides to practice they would talk about movies and how fun it would be to write and shoot their own, and this eventually led to them writing their first script, "FBI: Minor Files." Over the next few years they continued to write and shoot videos, but because the school wouldn't let them use the school computers, they were forced to delete the stuff they shot because they didn't have anywhere to keep all the old files.
Eventually some time later, Wolfie learned of a way he could edit using Windows Movie Maker, and begun a series called, "Story of His Life" with his younger brothers (Bram and Ronin). This show went on for a good year till they couldn't think of any other good ideas for episodes. They would however release little videos every once and a while when they thought of something funny.
A couple months later it was time for Wolfie to go off to college, where he ignored his parents thoughts of doing film school and instead went to school for nursing, which he found out later, was not really what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. But while he was there he made some really good friends, which he made some gaming videos with, which really sparked Wolfie's interest in making videos again.
After leaving KCU after the first year, he went to Cincinnati State in their Audio Video Production major. In those two years there he learned a lot of new things about the filming process, and found out that what he really loved was editing. So when the position of an editing intern opened up at the news station, WLWT News 5, he hopped at the chance, not really because he wanted to be a news editor he will admit but because it was a internship editing.
He was an intern at WLWT for about 5 months till the semester was over, then it was time for him to leave because there wasn't any open positions at the time that he could get into. He was then done with school now and with no job he didn't have much to do. That's when he got a call from Joe Cox. He was asking if Wolfie wanted to help on a shoot that Joe was doing, Wolfie decided, "What the heck, sure." and became the boom operator for the show know as "Society."
Society was, "One of the funnest time shooting something in a very long time" says Wolfie, and even though he was just running boom for all the shoots, he became very close with the creators of the show and eventually landed his spot as the editor for Society. Even though it never has been released yet, Joe liked how much and how hard Wolfie worked on the project and decided to make him lead editor on most of his projects.
A few months later, Wolfie got a call from WLWT with an editors position open, which he jumped at the opportunity to now edit, and be paid for it. So he got the interview and that's what he is now doing, along side editing for the series #AwkwardDates and some other little projects.
In the 8th grade he met someone who would become one of his closest friends for years, Brad Riechman. They met in the halls between classes, but it wasn't till they started track together that their film adventures took off. On the bus rides to practice they would talk about movies and how fun it would be to write and shoot their own, and this eventually led to them writing their first script, "FBI: Minor Files." Over the next few years they continued to write and shoot videos, but because the school wouldn't let them use the school computers, they were forced to delete the stuff they shot because they didn't have anywhere to keep all the old files.
Eventually some time later, Wolfie learned of a way he could edit using Windows Movie Maker, and begun a series called, "Story of His Life" with his younger brothers (Bram and Ronin). This show went on for a good year till they couldn't think of any other good ideas for episodes. They would however release little videos every once and a while when they thought of something funny.
A couple months later it was time for Wolfie to go off to college, where he ignored his parents thoughts of doing film school and instead went to school for nursing, which he found out later, was not really what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. But while he was there he made some really good friends, which he made some gaming videos with, which really sparked Wolfie's interest in making videos again.
After leaving KCU after the first year, he went to Cincinnati State in their Audio Video Production major. In those two years there he learned a lot of new things about the filming process, and found out that what he really loved was editing. So when the position of an editing intern opened up at the news station, WLWT News 5, he hopped at the chance, not really because he wanted to be a news editor he will admit but because it was a internship editing.
He was an intern at WLWT for about 5 months till the semester was over, then it was time for him to leave because there wasn't any open positions at the time that he could get into. He was then done with school now and with no job he didn't have much to do. That's when he got a call from Joe Cox. He was asking if Wolfie wanted to help on a shoot that Joe was doing, Wolfie decided, "What the heck, sure." and became the boom operator for the show know as "Society."
Society was, "One of the funnest time shooting something in a very long time" says Wolfie, and even though he was just running boom for all the shoots, he became very close with the creators of the show and eventually landed his spot as the editor for Society. Even though it never has been released yet, Joe liked how much and how hard Wolfie worked on the project and decided to make him lead editor on most of his projects.
A few months later, Wolfie got a call from WLWT with an editors position open, which he jumped at the opportunity to now edit, and be paid for it. So he got the interview and that's what he is now doing, along side editing for the series #AwkwardDates and some other little projects.