Meg Howald
- Director
- Writer
- Producer
2016 is the breakout year for feature film production. Meg wrote, produced and directed The Gold Fish Bowl, a drama inspired by a variety of moving stories. Meg is both a screenplay writer and novelist She embraces her diverse genealogy - a Scottish-Canadian dad and a Croatian-American mom. Her professional career and personal lifestyle have been established in three provinces, on two continents and by the hemlines of the Aegean, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the St. Lawrence, and the Great Lakes. As an artist and art history aficionado, Meg is passionately committed to developing powerful, historically-driven fictions with characters who transcend the boundaries of time and stereotype. Meg's compelling insights into human need and pathology give you characters who consume your loyalty and poise you on the edge of their destinies.
Novels released in 2013: Are But Shadows, Expatriate Bones and The Drowning of Margaret Hannagh (picked up on college curriculum).
In post-production is The Gold Fish Bowl (release 2017).
In development are: On Broken Glass, Dinner for One, Keeping Kate in Love and an adaptation of the novel, Are But Shadows.
Meg's theatre background started with drama at University of Toronto Ontario, followed by designing theatre arts programs and production for stage.
Meg's theatre background started with drama at University of Toronto Ontario, followed by designing theatre arts programs and production for stage.