Scott McCauley(III)
- Actor
- Producer
- Stunts
As a young man I often dreamed about being an actor. Growing up in a steel town during those times you simply didn't do that, you got up and went to work. Life changes, plans change I relocated after some tough times and started over one more time. I got lucky and was told about and opportunity for a small part in a student film and again I was told "at your age nobody does that (hope for the dream of being an actor). From that point I got lucky and the film industry started booming in Montana, where I now resided, I was asked why I hadn't done this before. My work was appreciated and was asked to be in another and again another. Hoping that it would continue and praying that oh my God is this really happening? Now six years later I have a great agent and have had more cast roles. I have had principal and lead roles then suddenly I get asked to become a lead in a film and I have realized my dream is coming true and it is never to late.