Shannon Cos
- Actor
- Writer
- Director
Shannon Cos is known for CSI: SFP 'Lab Stories' (2015) and CSI: SFP (2010).
TV Series
- CSI Head Lab Pres. - 'Albus Winters
- Lab Ast. Judith
- CSI Lab Head Albus Winters'
- Bio Teacher
- CSI Head Lab Pres. - 'Albus Winters - Cell Phone
- Cousin Tony Pettagrew
- Old God Sunulus
- Russian Agent Neri Stancovic
- Russian Spy Cos
TV Series
- CSI Head Lab - Albus Winters
- Lab Head - Albus Winters
- Mummy Tun Na VI
- CSI Lab Leader - Albus Winters
- Agent ccc
- CSI - Head Lab 'Judith Andrews, Paw'
- CSI - Lab
- CSI Head Lab Pres. - 'Albus Winters
- CSI Lab Leader Albus Winters
- Captured
- Lab Ast. Judith
- Mission Control
- Air Force Pilot Jaine Air
- Bank Robber
- Bot
- CSI - Head Lab 'Judith'
- CSI - Head Lab Albus Winters
- CSI - Lab Head 'Judith'
- CSI - Lab Head Sci
- CSI - Lab Pres. Cos
- CSI - Lab: Head 'Judith'
- CSI Lab Head
- CSI Lab Head - Albus Winters
- CSI Lab Leader - 'Albus Winters
- CSI Lad
- Citizin
- Dark Void Inamte 5499
- Dead Mummy Tun Na VI
- Dead Russian Bodyguard
- Doctor Clone
- Eagle Eagle Head Sci Department
- Eagle Head Sci Department
- Evil Ast. Director Simon Der
- Evil Mad Sci-Fi Wizard Simon Der
- Evil Wizard Simon Der
- Ex Wind Wizard H-Force
- Fryer Han Indaiford
- H-Force
- Kang's General of Science and Health Luna
- Kelly 1 Shot Wilson
- Medic Roads Mallidsor -
- River Lord Melvin Gorseck
- SFP - Lab
- Sci Department
- Scientist
- Shan
- Shan Royal - Clone
- Shep Hogine
- Terra Reed
- The Killer Sheep
- Wind Wizard H-Force