Which of these long-running movie franchises do you wish the filmmakers just let die in peace? Note: Each franchise must have at least four entries Discuss the list here
Which of these top-rated horror movies is your favorite? • Note: Animated and comedy movies are excluded. Only movies with at least 50000 ratings on IMDb are considered. Discuss here
How do you wake up from your nightmare when you're not asleep? Which bad dream, or dream sequence in these movies give you the scariest nightmare? Wake up and discuss your nightmare here
Favouring or introducing new and experimental ideas and methods.– avant-garde, adjective (Oxford) Here are the top 25 feature films by popularity (at the time of writing) with the IMDb keyword avant-g…
The independent cinema industry as presently known grew out of the independent cinema movement that came about in the 1980s following the death of New Hollywood. From this list of influential, acclaim…
Monochrome possesses an inherently creepy vibe to it; being cast in shadows and darkness, it can be the setting of our deepest fears and nightmares. These films were shot in color but, due to their da…
Movies that have at least 10,000 votes and an IMDb rating of at least 6.5 are considered Which among these do you think is the Best Slasher movie? Discuss here
In threatening situations, we grab our mobile or cell phone and call the police. Before there were mobiles and cell phones, wired phones had no affordable alternative. In many movies of the 1980s, fir…
Jordan Peele is considered one of the best modern horror directors. Indiewire listed a roundup of 17 films that inspired him. Which of these films is your favorite? Discuss here.
It's Halloween time, so let's get original... These 25 classics topped DigitalDreamdoor's Top 100 Greatest Horror Movies and are featured here in their original ranking. Which of these classic horror …
Which of these films that leaves you feeling paranoid and suspicious about anything and everything after the moment you've watched it? Discuss your paranoia here
The Library of Congress has announced 25 new films that will be added to the National Film Registry for their conservation. Which of them do you consider the one with the most historical or aesthetic…
What kind of horror movie would you prefer to watch on Halloween? Which of the horror film genres would appeal to you most on the night of ghouls, monsters, demons, and other beasties? Discuss here: …
Most movie franchises have central protagonists, some in the horror/thriller genres are based on a recurring villain (or type of). Which of these villain-based franchises is your favorite? After votin…