One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1963). Drama. Written by Dale Wasserman. Based on the novel by
Ken Kesey. Incidental music by Teiji Ito. Directed by Alex Segal. Cort Theatre: 13 Nov 1963- 25 Jan 1964 (82 performances + 1 preview). Cast:
Ed Ames (as "Chief Bromden"), Malcolm Atterbury, Clifford Cothren,
William Daniels (as "Dale Harding"),
Kirk Douglas (as "Randle P. McMurphy"), Wesley Gale Fredericks"),
William Gleason (as "Ruckly"),
Arlene Golonka (as "Candy Starr"), Peter Gumeny, 'Paul Huber (II) (as "Colonel Matterson"),
Lincoln Kilpatrick (as "Aide Warren"), Michi Kobi,
Al Nesor (as "Martini"),
Gerald S. O'Loughlin (as "Cheswick"), Leonard Parker, Rex Robbins, Arnold Soboloff, Joan Tetzel (as "Nurse Ratched"), K.C. Townsend,
Charles Tyner (as "Sefelt"),
Gene Wilder (as "Billy Bibbit"), Milton J. Williams, Astrid Wilsrud. Produced by David Merrick and Edward Lewis. Produced in association with Seven Arts Corp. and Eric Prods.