Paul Frees(1920-1986)
- Elenco
- Redação
- Additional Crew
Paul Frees nasceu o 22 de junho de 1920 em Chicago, Illinois, EUA. Era ator e autor e foi conhecido pelo seu trabalho em A Guerra dos Mundos (1953), O Último Unicórnio (1982) e The Beatniks (1958). Foi casado com Beverly Teresa Marlow, Jeri Jene Cole, Patrice Irene Redwine, Joyce Terry, Kleda June Hansen e Audrey Anelle McLeod. Morreu o 2 de novembro de 1986 em Califórnia, EUA.
Série de TV
- Additional Voices
- Boris Badenov
- Inspector Fenwick
- Captain Peachfuzz
- Dudley Do-Right Narrator
- Cloyd
- Mayor
- Judge
- Chauncey
- Edgar
- Slug
- Admiral
- Fiduciary J. Blurt
- Hugo Bumbling
- Professor Wernher von Beige
- Athos
- Chancellor
- Filcher
- François Villain
- General
- General Broadbeam
- Hadley
- King Bushwick
- Colonel McCornpone
- Ed Foo Yung
- Grand Vizier
- Guadalupe Rodriguez (Zero)
- Guard
- Henry
- Italian
- Jay
- Lazy Jay
- Newsboy #2
- Pericles Parnassus
- Professor
- Rocky Knute
- Sheriff
- Sheriff Wright
- Sir Isaac Newton
- TV Announcer
- Alfred Nobel
- Bank Robber
- Banker
- British Soldier
- Buffalo Bill
- Candlestick Maker
- Christopher Columbus
- Citizen
- Citizen of Deadwood
- Cockney Soldier
- Colonel
- Colonel Jefferson Beauregard Lee
- Deadwood Reporter
- Dmitriy
- Doctor
- Don Juan
- Floy
- Forrest Primeval
- G.J.
- Galileo
- Gaspar Viejo
- Gaston
- General Burgoyne
- George
- Giuseppe Pasto
- Grocer
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Hat-Seller
- Hatchet
- Indian Chief
- Johannes Gutenberg
- King
- King Richard
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Lieutenant
- Logger
- Lord Douglas
- Lord Nelson
- Lord of Pesaro
- Louis Pasteur
- Lyndon
- Man #1
- Mangler #2
- Mayor Fiorello LaPompano
- Mr. Friendly
- Mr. Wangle
- Mustache Seller
- Napoleon
- Newsreader
- Nozmo
- O'Hara
- Peter Piper
- Pierre LeKomo
- Pirate #2
- Pirate #3
- Police Detective #1
- Policeman
- Ponce De Leon
- Queen Isabella
- Railroad Man
- Railway Clerk
- Robber #1
- Rollo
- Scotland Yard Inspector
- Sergeant
- Southern Gentleman
- Spanish Captain
- Steamboat Captain
- Townsman #1
- Townsman #3
- Train Conductor
- Warden
- Wilbur Wright
- William Tell
- Wolf
- 'Sybil'
- Aces Wilde
- Actor
- Adloff the Politician
- Agent 7
- Airline President
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Alfred
- American Board Member
- Anatol
- Arena Manager
- Aristotle
- Assistant District Attorney
- Barber
- Barnaby Victor
- Barney
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benson
- Board Member #1
- Bookie #1
- Boris
- Brainwasher
- British Captain
- British Commander
- British Trooper
- Buffalo Bill Cody
- Caleb's Friend
- Captain Kidd
- Captain Matthew Clift
- Captain R.J. Hotchkiss
- Captain Schnader
- Captain of Guards
- Carlyle
- Casanova
- Castaway
- Caveman #1
- Charley's Friend
- Charlie Parlorcar
- Checker Player
- Chief Inspector
- Chief Missile Engineer
- Chief of Police
- Chinese Authority
- Chop Suey Louie
- Circus Onlooker #1
- Citizen #1
- Citizen with Pig
- Clem
- Cletus Bookbinder
- Climber #2
- Colonel Beauregard
- Commander Peary
- Confucius
- Constable Archibald Woolley
- Cook
- Corsair Captain
- Council Head
- Counselor
- Cowboy Actor
- Cowboy Star
- Credney Blatt
- Croupier
- Customer #1
- Customer #2
- Dad
- Dallas Kid
- Daniel Boone
- Dentist
- Digger Deeper
- Diplomat
- District Attorney
- Dorson Belles
- Dr. Livingstone
- Dr. Poppover
- Dr. Sebastian Fleegle
- Duel Judge
- Duke of Wellington
- Durward
- Earl of Crankcase
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Edgar Fish
- Einstein
- Eph's Friend
- Erwin
- Eskimo Chief
- Estate Agent
- Evacuating Floy
- Eye Doctor
- FBI Chief
- Fact-Finder #1
- Featherby's Friend
- Feodor
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Fingers Scarnose
- Fishmonger
- Foreign Legion Officer
- Foreman
- Francis Bacon
- Francisco Pizzaro
- Frantic Man
- Franz Schubert
- French Board Member
- French Board Member #1
- French Cabinet Member #1
- Frog Prince
- Funeral Parlor Man
- Fungus Khan
- Gambler #2
- General Carruthers
- General Consternation
- General Cornwallis
- General Washington
- General's Aide
- Generous Man
- George Armstrong Custer
- Georgiy
- Geronimo
- Gonzalez
- Gorki's Assistant
- Government Guard
- Governor
- Governor Abner
- Gunslinger
- Hans Christian Oersted
- Harlow
- Hatful
- Hawser Guard
- Henry VIII
- Herman the Pidgeon
- Hotel Manager
- Inca Chief
- Indian
- J. Edgar Bloomer
- James McNeill Whistler
- Jesse James
- Jeweler
- Jim Bowie
- John Holland
- John James Audobon
- John Sutter
- Jules Verne
- Julius Caesar
- Kilrain's Manager
- King Arthur
- King Cheops
- King's Brother
- Kirward
- Kit Carson
- Kublai Khan
- Leader of Moon Men
- Lecturer
- Lefty
- Leif Ericsson
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Little John
- Lord Cardigan
- Louis XVI
- Ludwig Van Beethoven
- M.T. Skull
- Major
- Major Hardrock
- Man #2
- Mangler #1
- Mangler No. 26
- Mangler No. 70
- Marco Polo
- Marie Antoinette
- Marquis of Queensbury
- Martha Washington
- Mate
- McSnide
- Member Bookie #1
- Merlin
- Mexican
- Mexican #1
- Mink Farmer
- Moon Man
- Mort
- Mountie #3
- Mr. Butterfield
- Mrs. Revere
- Nasty Noogle
- Navy Commander
- Neighbor
- Nero
- Newsboy
- O.D. Pringle
- Odd Puss Rex
- Old Man Mose
- Oldberry
- Opponent
- Orphanage Man
- Orville
- Otis
- P.T. Barnum
- Pa Hatful
- Pancho Villa
- Papa Scarnose
- Pass Receiver
- Paul Julius Reuter
- Paul Revere
- Penn
- Penworthy
- Peter Cooper
- Pilot
- Police Chief
- Police Officer
- Pongo Britt
- Pony Express Manager
- Porfirio Garbonza
- Postmaster James J. Nearly
- Printer
- Prison Guard
- Professor #3
- Prosecutor
- Publius Maximus
- Quincy Flogg
- Radar Man
- Radio Actor
- Radio Announcer
- Ranthrew
- Reporter
- Restaurant Manager
- Restaurant Patron
- Rimsky
- Robber
- Robert E. Leech
- Robin Hood
- Robinson Crusoe
- Russian #1
- Russian General
- Sailor #1
- Scientist #2
- Scotsman
- Scout
- Secretary of Defense
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of the Interior
- Selwyn
- Senator
- Senator Fussmussen
- Senator Shunpike
- Sheik Abdul Fanook
- Sheriff of Nottingham
- Shirt Seller
- Sir Augustus Coney
- Sir Digby's Friend
- Sir Newton Fugg
- Sir Round
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Sitting Bull
- Skagway Judge
- Sleepless Mexican
- Slim
- Spectator
- Stephen Decatur
- Student
- Talbot Heffelfinger
- Talent Scout
- Technician
- Theatre Manager
- Tiddler #1
- Toll Collector
- Tor
- Town Councilman #2
- Two-Gun Twombly
- Undertaker
- Variety Show Announcer
- Vasco Nunez de Balboa
- Vienna Police Chief
- Viewer
- Wagon Man
- Washington's Father
- Watchdog
- Weatherman
- Welcoming Man
- Whistler's Mother
- William Shakespeare
- William Tecumseh Sherman
- Wizard
- Wyatt Earp
- X-9
- Yale Rower
- Zeb's Friend
- Zebulon Pike
- Zeke(narração)