TV David, Home & Away (2017), TV Stan O'Rourke A Place To Call Home series 5 Network Seven , Various (2016), FF Alexander Moynihan, The Debt Collector, Matthew Clayfield (2016), SF Jono, STRANGER/w Georgie Parker and Joel Jackson (2016), ST Roy Erbage The Season at Sarsaparilla NIDA, Kristine Landon-Smith (2016), ST Wolf, Wolf in The River , OFF BROADWAY NewYorkCity, Adam Rapp 2015, SF Aaron, TRIGGER, Quentin Crusoe (2015), FF Noah 2:22 Basil 2:22 Productions Pty Ltd, Paul Currie (2014) TV Oliver Home & Away Network Seven , Various (2013), ST Iachimo, Cymbeline NIDA, Tom Wright (2014), ST Frank Gunner, Kandahar Gate NIDA, Jeff Janisheski, Stephen Sewell (2014), ST Wolf, Wolf In The River NIDA, Adam Rapp (2013), ST Henry, Cosi NIDA, David Bertolt