Trilha sonora (Island Aimo, Rainbow-Colored Bear, First Live in Atlantis Dome, Love is a Dogfight (First Live in Atlantis Dome), Live in Arukatorazu, Interstellar Fight (Live in Alcatraz), performer: "Shima Aimo", "Niji-iro Kuma Kuma", "Koi wa Doggufaito", "Seikan Hikô, "Get It On: Kôsoku Kurai-max" (Get It On: Speed of Light Climax), "Hôkago Overflow" (After School Overflow), "Nyan Nyan Final Attack Frontier Greatest Hits", "Sayonara no Tsubasa: The End of Triangle" (The Wings of Goodbye: The End of Triangle), "Hoshi Kira", "d Shudisuta b" (d Shootin' Star b))