David Arthur Bachrach
- Elenco
David Arthur Bachrach é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em One Hit Wonder (2009), Life with Althaar (2019) e Blue Wall: The Series (2018).
Série Podcast
- Radio Free Fairgrounds
- Mine-Is-Purple Vendor
- Thoombon ros Roog
- Angry Bronsonian
- Archeplax
- Bramthanox
- Bridge Crew
- Cadabra Drone
- Class TraitorBot
- E-Bot
- Financial Reporter
- Flintrinix
- Friendly Phone Service
- Fugulnari 1
- Fugulnari Checkpoint Guard
- His Bountiful Factotery Q'Fullin
- Montaguian Emissary
- Mortrinex
- Old Caretaker
- Patron 2
- Patronizing Waiter
- Pharma Steve
- Plarnk
- Poomie 5
- Radio Announcer
- Reassuring Announcer
- Rex the Fidorian
- Robot 2
- Shakespearean ActorBot
- Steve from Integration
- Stuart
- System
- TV Special
- Upset Denizen
- Various roles(narração)