[on being cast in
Busca na Tormenta (2014)] I accidentally came across an email which said that
Michel Hazanavicius, the Oscar winner, would be shooting a film about the Chechnya War and was looking for actors in Georgia, both girls and boys, who knew English. To tell you the truth, I looked at this information with a certain scepticism. You can show your capabilities at a casting, but I have become a nihilist, as unfortunately nepotism and friendship still play a crucial role in the Georgian film world. Artists are oppressed by this, and therefore I have turned against castings. I only attended this one because my friends insisted, hoping for better because a non-Georgian director was involved. The first casting was not attended by Hazanavicius himself; he sent a professional casting team. I'd be lying if I told you that I was not excited, but as soon as the casting team asked me to do a brief improvisation about everyday life my anxiety went. I coped with the task and was told a few days later that I would be invited to a second casting. At this one they asked me to perform a specific scene from the film and said that I would be cast if I passed this audition.