Katie (Tiera Skovbye) and her best friend, the promiscuous Sloane (Kirsten Prout), travel to perform philanthropic work in organic farming for a month and then go shopping in New York for a week. Katie 's mother is traveling on vacation to Cuba and her brother Jason (Michael Karl Richards), who is an FBI agent, will drive the girls to the farm. He asks Katie to contact him every day using a code and leaves the girls in a bus stop to the farm on the road. However they accept a ride to the farm from the amicable locals Jed (Garrett Black) and Lucas (Jameson Parker) in a bar. However they kidnap the two girls and leave them half-naked and chained to containers in the middle of nowhere. Then they bring bizarre clients and force Katie and Sloane to prostitute for them. Meanwhile Jason looks for Katie and Sloane since he received messages without the code and contact Sheriff Andrews (Craig March), who is also part of the criminal ring. When Katie and Sloane succeed to escape, they seek revenge against the gang.
"Even Lambs Have Teeth" is a shallow thriller that becomes a funny comedy. The slut Sloane is an annoying character with her promiscuous behavior. The edition is poor and the story has no depth for the serious situation. The abused girls sing while driving the pickup truck as if their suffering was a school prank. The crime spree does not have any consequences. Better off watching "I Spit on Your Grave" (1978) to see the feelings of an abused woman. My vote is five.
Title (Brazil): Not Available