As this Korean series opens a teenage girl returns home and finds herself face to face with a serial killer known as 'The Bar Code Killer' due to the fact that he carves a barcode into his victims' arms. She flees but is hit by a car. In hospital the killer, intending to eliminate the only witness, murders a girl of the same name by mistake. Her brother, Choi Mu-gak, is so traumatised that he loses his senses of taste and smell and the ability to feel pain; later on he becomes a police officer so he can bring the killer to justice. Meanwhile the witness eventually wakes from a coma but has no memory of her life before the accident; she has also gained a strange ability; she can see scents. The retiring officer in charge of the case at the time takes her in as his own daughter and gives her the name Oh Cho-rim. Events a few years later bring them together and she uses her ability to help him solve cases; however neither realises that she is the witness he is seeking. Meanwhile the killer is continuing to kill, unaware that the girl he killed wasn't the witness because he has a condition that means he can't remember faces.
If you want something gritty then this probably won't be for you. However if you want a light hearted crime drama with elements of comedy and romance it is a lot of fun. The identity of the killer is not kept secret. He is shown to the viewer early on and it isn't much longer before the police regard him as the prime suspect... the problem is proving it. Tensions rise nicely as the killer learns the witness is still alive and starts searching for her. The characters are a lot of fun and the cast does an impressive job. Shin Se-kyung and Park Yoo-chun, particularly impress as Oh Cho-rim and Choi Mu-gak; they have a fine chemistry. The special effects used to depict Oh Cho-rim's ability are rather fun aren't over used. Overall I found this to be a lot of fun and would certainly recommend this to fans of light-hearted K-drama.
These comments are based on watching the series in Korean with English subtitles.