The choice paradox has been a challenge when finding newer movies of quality. Therefore, I just chose "Camera Store" off handedly and what a great surprise. It's become more rare to find movies which capture atmosphere in a meaningful level. The film really captures the sense of change which has been occurring in the past 10 years.
I remember the rise of 80's America and the promise of hope based on consumerism. The local mall was the hub of business. Often times neighbors worked or owned businesses in the mall. The mall was part of everyday life in America. No one really ever imagined that "the mall" would become a relic just like "the camera store" in a time which everyone has a camera in hand.
The film speaks to the change in our midst. Photos are almost arbitrary these days. Many of us take hundreds of not thousands of pictures with our phones then delete them in seconds. We can buy anything online without having to put on clothes. The shift from old to new when redundancy becomes real and possibly painful is palpable in this movie.
The atmosphere of the movie conveys a sense of loss. A loss of connection with one another. A feeling of having been lost in a perception of the American Dream which never existed in the first place. An exhibition of the artifice of human existence in a world thoroughly corrupted by materialism. The years of relationships in the camera store basically come down to money. No more, no less. A very lonely place to find oneself in modern America.