My wife & I LOVED this movie! Impossible, improbable situations & resolution? PERSISTENT FAITH & JOY FILLED MIRACLES! "Is ANYTHING too difficult for Me?"-GOD-Jeremiah 32:27
"What's IMPOSSIBLE with man is POSSIBLE with GOD!"-Luke 18:27 Quote by Jesus Christ. Son of God/God the Son!
Faith Pleases GOD. Dior's Faith was strong & our Almighty God & Savior responded to this young woman's precious, Priceless Faith!
Mark 9:23- "IF you can Believe, ALL things are POSSIBLE to him that BELIEVES." Jesus Christ
This film is NON-Fiction & quite realistic to ANYONE with Faith in Jesus Christ. My wife & I are witnesses for the REALITY of being Born Again. Ephesians 2:8-9- "For it is by GRACE (unmerited favor) you have been Saved, through Faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the GIFT OF GOD, not of works, lest ANY man should boast."
What "works" did Dion perform to DESERVE God's great MIRACLES?! NONE. She had FAITH, she BELIEVED that NOTHING is impossible with God & Miracles were GIVEN to her by FAITH! Hopefully NO Spoilers. WONDERFUL MOVIE. GOD IS GOOD & HE IS ALIVE!