Class is the new spin off from the world of Doctor Who, revolving around a group of youngsters at a Coal Hill School or Academy. Together they are earths first line of defence against new threatening aliens entering the world through cracks in space and time.
The first two episodes of Class really through out what show is, by implying and hinting what we may expect from the series. Bottom line is you have really fun easy to watch science fiction drama, that still has that Doctor Who atmosphere but with a different audience. It clearly shows off that it wants to be dark, bloody, scary, and adults for young mature audiences.
Granted the show hasn't quite lifted off the ground yet it does have a few issues so far it needs to work on. Its pacing and structure are not quite perfect yet and need a bit more consistency throughout the 45 min limit. There is some dialogue that kind of losses itself and doesn't quite work, and a reasonable anticlimactic end to some of the adventures.
Episode 3 Nightvisting, was a massive improvement though, with a clear passion and emotion that the show wants to express, really well executed in round 3. A much more puzzling story as well which is good, and less awkward acting and dialogue.
So though we are only 3 episodes in Class is rally good fun, Patrick Ness has got a lot of ideas he wants to put forward which is good, but should become a gradual process rather than throwing all of it right at us, But a satisfactory start so far, hope this picks up further on in the series. 8.3/10