I've said it before and I'll say it again. Every porn documentary has something to say about this business, the people within, but the hard part is finding a nugget of truth you haven't already seen or heard before. Fun moments, a fair bit of tragedy, damaged people before & after. 'After Porn Ends 2' continues giving both sides of the table but a lot is old hat.
I've listened to Lisa Ann interviews the most of any pornstar and she always comes off bright, positive, well spoken. You're just never sure what's an image and she's versed in self promotion. That's what her appearance here captures as she was retired from the industry once again, doing satellite radio and releasing a book circa 2017.
I don't think it's necessary to run out the rest of the stories here, but needless to say it charts the usual courses. There were two standouts for me. One they give Darren James a podium to talk about his HIV diagnosis and moving on with life after. They allow him to tell the tale without any challenge. Second the new business model of ladies using porn to build a name with the ultimate goal of high priced escorting.
'After Porn Ends 2' doesn't have a strong narrative and maybe it's not supposed to. It's a bunch of soundbites, people's up & down struggles thru life and this industry about making a buck. This piece from director Bryce Waggoner is well edited and flows nicely, but I can't see anyone getting multiple views from it.