The story might be forgettable, the plot and the characters might not be interesting, but it is fun-time. It is that light comedy that relies on grotesque, constant swearing and sexual humor (also slapstick); but it manages well in that route. The movie has its highlights and its flaws, so:
The tone and environment of the film create this sensation of absurdity. Teachers that allow students to bully them literally, and students that in other terms succumb to terrorism; the less than professional attitude of anyone involved with the school and the cheerful secondary characters also make the movie bearable. The humor of the movie establishes on swearing, grotesque and sexual situations, and semi-constant slapstick; which works fine with the movie's essence. The course words and bothering phrases provide morbid and healthy laughs. It might not be quality humor, but functional humor at some points.
The characters though thinly written are very likable: The dumb and senseless students that give meaning to the also senseless plot and the uninterested and unprofessional teachers that fall upon the student's dictatorship. Now, our two leads: the street punk and the shy wannabe-someone-to-change-the-world sweet and dumb girl. These two characters allow you to like the movie, despite certain flaws.
So, the very same strengths that the movie has, are also its weaknesses. The swearing sometimes is taken to the point you get bored of the repetitive and insulting dialogue. The slapstick is also in some moments of the movie too generic and basically that, non-funny slapstick. The movie also focuses heavily on marketing and selling the "pretty faces", which gives more importance to the actors involved rather than the characters themselves. Finally, the sexual humor provides funny moments, but is also taken to the limit, and ends up feeling unnecessary.
FINAL CONSENSUS: Though generic and clichéd, also in a light way exclusive for Mexicans to understand, the movie has some moments.