The emotional depth of this documentary is vast, impressive, immersive. In "Jim", James Foley is beautifully dissected as one of the most honest and kind-hearted conflict journalists of any time.
I find it hard to review this film because of how powerful the entire experience was. I teared up half a dozen times, I couldn't find many words to say to my friends afterwards and neither could they. The documentary seemed to have taken control of us. But the moment that topped off the experience was after the Sundance screening, the director, James Foley's parents, and the young French journalist that was in captivity with James came out for a Q&A. The entire 500 seat audience gave a standing ovation, many in tears.
I'm not sure how else to explain it without giving anything away. It was hard to stomach some of the more graphic and real images from inside Syria. Overall it was an incredible viewing experience, one that needs to be shared with as many people as possible. Especially in 2016 when ISIS appears to be a real threat.