It is interesting that this film has the word swinger in it, but this film is a gross representation of actual swinging culture.
That is a shame, because the film tries to be a comedy and really succeeds in that in the first act. But the situations and actions of the characters in this film do not seem to reflect anything relatable when it comes to swinging. This is odd because some of the actual situations that happen in the swinger lifestyle are much more hilarious than any of the events that happen in the movie. This film may not have been made for people familiar with the swinger lifestyle, and that is ok. But if the swinging bits could be taken out of the story without changing much, maybe you should not have it in there. The film could have done without it.
The films 3rd act has a few moments of heart that really shows you that grown adults with marital experience had some input in the screenplay. But the film cant seem to help throwing you a curve ball that makes you question what genre this film even belongs in.
The ending was horrible, and most of the characters did not have much of a resolution that the viewers could get behind.
Don't waste your time with this one.