As important as this topic is and the guests who appeared did their best, the film loses momentum fast.
Imagine you walk into a convention where you're excited for not only the topic but for the expert presenters who are going to appear and speak on something they've studied, researched and or directly experienced. And just as things get started, overwhelmingly loud, bad and distracting music begins playing in and starts to over pace the sound of the guest speaker, while large projectors of b-roll and graphics begin to appear in the background.
Then a host appears every 2 minutes on stage with a dialogue that inserts itself as a secondary commentary and narration for filler between acts. Except it appears the host themselves is the main act.
The actual speakers or guests are given some time, but not nearly enough. Still, you hope to see more of them but instead are being forcibly "entertained" by the flashing lights, off paced music and very off - putting b roll that is projected from every screen.
Sorry, but this production had cheesy and awfully redundant prod-values, as well, it had a knock off vibe of the "The Secret", except it doesn't even come close.
I'm sure they put a lot of hard work into this but I can't help but think this was a vanity project of some sort and no restraint was shown. It's like they stored up content graphics for years and then used every element of it at every turn. It feels disjointed and chaotic and not entertaining though I did enjoy James Van Prague who offers a brief reprieve to an otherwise fragmented and disjointed production.