This show is almost perfect. I enjoyed every second of it, and I'm not one to usually watch Netflix originals. Seeing the unique group of characters grow and develop throughout the series was really fun to watch. The plot lines were intriguing and had a beautiful mix of drama, comedy, and pure awkwardness. It's so real. But when the series ends with 6 different cliff hangers it makes it hard for me to recommend it to people. Covid got in the way of the closure for this series, and I HOPE they decide to bring it back. If other studios can return to filming after the pandemic slows down, and some can film DURING the pandemic as well, I don't see why they can't bring this show back. So many loose ends need to be tied. Netflix has the money and power to do it and I don't see why they don't. If they can green light shitty shows that NO ONE watches, they can renew this for more. We want more.