The content of this documentary is great. Fantastic interviews with so many powerful women in Hollywood, it's fascinating to hear from everyone from Shonda Rhimes to Merck Streep about the state of Hollywood for women.
The editing, however, is extremely confusing. Rather than tell one linear story, you get a grab bag of clips and sound bytes that I can only describe as being like a very long trailer.
Also, when the credits rolled at the end and it came up with a man's name as the director I actually laughed out loud. At one point the film literally instructs anyone working in the film industry to take risks and hire female crew. It splashes shocking statistics across the screen showing how few films are directed by females, and all the contributors being interviewed are attesting that "it's not that hard to just find qualified women to do these jobs". To hear a film tell us exactly what needs to be implemented, but then not even be able to implement that on their own movie... took some of the wind out of my sails