Some foreign films play well with US audiences. This one doesn't. In the US, this film is a comedy. US audiences would laugh raucously at the sheer absurdity of it. A criminal gets shot committing a crime, he dies, and people care. See, it's funny already.
Why did the jeweler shoot twice? Why, indeed. In the US, he'd have emptied the gun into the guy. The movie would have been called "Ten Bullets." Why did he shoot the guy in the lower abdomen? Maybe he was a lousy shot. In the US, he's have aimed for center mass and kept firing until the robber was dead on the floor.
Why does everyone freak out? In the US, people would line up to get the jeweler's autograph. He'd do TV and radio interviews. He'd have his own youtube channel. He'd be a hero. His daughter would idolize him. His wife would swoon over him.
The people who mourn over the criminal? They'd be laughed at, scorned, ridiculed. Nothing about this film makes a lick of sense to the US sensibility. Here, the shooter is a hero, the robber is a scumbag who deserved what he got. The end. The screenplay would never have been written here.