As the titel says, this movie is great, but only if you like Pokémon.
If you are a long time Pokémon fan you will love this movie, but if you don't like Pokémon, if Pokémon doesn't really interest you or the small chance that you've never heard about it, most of the movie will not be very interesting.
There's a lot of inside jokes and the likes. I'm not saying you need large amount of Pokémon knowledge to watch this movie, but if you need to google Mewtwo or Psyduck to know what they are, then this movie is most likely not for you.
Okay, enough about that. This movie is the best game adaptation I've seen to date. It's funny, the visual effects are amazing and it has heart when it wants to. There is something for all ages. Pikachu is adorable and Ryan Reynolds is really great. The human actors are unfortunately this movies weak point. Justice Smith is good and Bill Nighy is Bill Nighy, but the rest are not great and mostly not believable (they're not terrible though), fortunately they don't get that much screentime.
The plot is good, but a bit predictable (gets a little wierd in the end).
Just to clear up my thoughts, Ryan Reynolds and the Pokémons really makes this movie for me.
For me it's an 8 out of 10.
Hope this helps any potential moviegoer.