While many of the things said by reviewer Caio are correct, i.e. Cross kind of drags and engagement is not always there, I disagree strongly with the idea Cross has a "rusty edge". Still there are, again as mentioned by Caio, the bait-and-switch jokes that really lead to gut laughs, the Cross-ish mannerisms, and above all, the wit. Yes, there are times in this where he becomes more preachy than in previous works; this is probably where most people will lose him and go do other things. Being of (mostly) the same worldview as Cross and having cut my teeth watching Mr. Show late night in the mid 90s when I had school the next morning, I hung around and was glad I did. Cross really is talented in elocution, and very whimsical in leading you in to a twisted joke in this special. If you can stay to the end, he always makes the punchline worth it. I was also impressed by one of his analogies and for pointing out some things I didn't think of (even in being highly political, myself). Speaking of which, one downside of his political rant was the exclusion of the Democratic party and establishment for their collusion in many of the things I felt he correctly pegged the "other side" of doing. I'll stop there as to not make this about my political beliefs, but will say that I hope he comes around on that. Anyhow, if this is what David Cross is like after an ostensible hiatus from stand-up, I must say I have high hopes for his future specials!