I didn't watch the first Sharkwater from 2006 so I couldn't compare it to this one. I guess the first one was lesser depressing to watch than this one because that's the overall feeling I had whilst watching Sharkwater Extinction, a depressive feeling. I lost faith in humanity a long time ago, so even if everybody would watch this gripping documentary I don't think it would change anything. Humans are parasites, greedy and selfish, the only thing that counts is their cosy way of life and nothing will make them change their behaviour. There are some nice shots in this documentary but most of the time it's just a depressive hard story to swallow. Some scenes are in Spanish and not subtitled so difficult to understand for everybody. I searched for the subtitles online but just couldn't find it. Sometimes the sound is just too mumbling so I didn't get all the conversations and that's a minor negative point to this documentary. I applaud the effort of everybody that tries to change the world, those idealists that didn't give up hope, but in my case I just think it's too late to change anything. We're heading to a new world catastrophe and nothing will change that. Maybe we just deserve another mass extinction as we are not worth living on this planet.