Gene Siskel - Host: [reviewing "Beethoven's 2nd"] Yes, divorce is an issue in the film, but a subject that I didn't expect to come up was potential sexual assault. That's right: There's a scene in this picture where a teenage boy locks the Newton family's teenage daughter in a bedroom and says, "This is gonna be great." Try explaining to your kid what the "this" is in that sentence. Beethoven saves the day, but be prepared for dealing with it with your little ones, and what's the point of that scene? Are they THAT desperate in Hollywood, to help market the films to teens? Y'know, "Hey kids, there's something in it for YOU, too, uh, you teenagers-"
Roger Ebert - Host: Date rape.
Gene Siskel - Host: Yeah, date rape. Hey, there's a good subject for ya. "Beethoven's 2nd" is a little kids' movie, and that scene has no place in an otherwise innocuous film. Thumbs down for me, and I'm also shaking my head.