While I think the two main game's atmospheres was better, I do have to say this one is pretty awesome as well. But the despair the characters experience at the final part of the game was and felt realistic. because of what we learn near the end of the game and franchise itself. The "twist" of the game is rather deranged and twisted when you learn the details of it. SO many theories on what this game and characters REALLY are, and I absolutely love the "Beautiful Lie" track and it's other variations. I liked how the ending left the fates of the three survivors to enter our world to have a new fresh start on their new lives. They ALL deserved better except for the one that used their for their twisted pleasure. The Monokubs deserve better parents, because Monokuma is a HORRIBLE PARENT by the time Chapter 4 nearly ended.
Because of what happened to Monophanie and Monotaro......😨that was a true Nightamre fuel.....😨
The English dub in particular was awesome, and definitely more consistent than DR1's was. And way MORE intense than DR2. Grant George received a lot of appreciation for sounding intriguing, calm, realistically emotional, and VERY serious as Shuichi, (his more notable role than Leon Kuwata) Angie's VA was pretty fun and cheery as the Ultimate Artist and Natalie Hoover NAILED Monophanie with a surprisingly high pitched, cute, sexy, titillating, and a VERY SQUEAKY voice almost like a mouse😘 That really fits the pink monokub's personality 😘. Monokuma's VA also sounded noticeable different as Monosuke when he's not voicing with that Mickey-like range, Erica Mendez gave Maki a very cold tone like made her a more like-able dynamic character since Chapter 3, I could go on but yeah.