Oh good another short film set in a post-apocalyptic world which consists of a desert location, some individual buildings, and a young cast who still manage to look like they came off a photoshoot. So far, so very obvious; and mostly it must be said the film doesn't totally shake off the tired genre that it is set in. However, the professionalism of the delivery just about carries it across. It has a good look with a lot of style in there, but not enough to break the feeling of place.
The plot asks you to go along with a lot of conveniences but it mostly engages thanks to some good dialogue which creates a sense of the stakes, and/or makes the viewer interested to see where it is going. The themes of boundaries of sexuality, or rather of strict definitions is there if you want it, but personally I thought that could have linked in more to the similar lack of clarity on the definitions of good/bad within the characters. The film deserves credit for being a solid watch in a mostly tired genre, and although it is not something brilliant, it is solid enough to hold the attention with what it does reasonably well.