My main reason for seeing 'Bad Date Chronicles' was the intriguing premise, which sounded like the kind of film that would be enjoyable to me. Also saw it because of it being from Hallmark, and have been seeing their work for a while over-time for completest sake. While they have done a fair share of misfires, they have also had a fair share of surprisingly good films. And 'Bad Date Chronicles' did sound like it had potential to be if done right.
Sadly it wasn't done right. Quite the opposite and actually pretty much disastrously. Really wanted to like it, but almost everything is executed badly and at their worst the execution is really quite terrible. Am somebody who is actually usually very encouraging when watching, rating and reviewing films and television and hates being critical, under 3/10 are rare ratings, but 'Bad Date Chronicles' did really annoy for being a complete waste of potential (the worst thing any film etc. Can committ in my mind).
Did think that Merritt Patterson didn't come off too badly in her role, she had energy without being affected.
However, even for a film that was intended to have exaggerated acting, the rest of the acting is so overdone it induces cringing and it was like watching a really bad spoof. None of the characters are interesting or worth rooting for, and there is no development to them whatsoever. The script is also extremely weak, with an over-reliance on cheap juvenile humour that often wasn't necessary.
The story is very dull, even when trying to pack in too many subplots that are done little with. There is no heart or charm and it all felt really forced. Not to mention very predictable, with so many seen it all before elements done in a paint by numbers way. The mystery element is very obvious very early on, while the beginning alone is enough to make one want to change the channel. Then there is the ending, which was indicative of the film completely running out of steam and tacking on a too unrealistically convenient climax and final scene.
In summary, very poor. 2/10.